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This page will cover some of the more "heavy" topics among fitness enthusiasts. It should not encourge anyone to use some of the more "effective" substances, but help in case you decide to. For me there is nothing worse than leaving people guessing instead of helping them in order to minimize damages and long-term consequences (i.e. I'm pretty much diametrically opposed to the state approach to substance use). I will try to cover following substances:

- Prohormones (Cynostane, Promag, Epistane, 11-OXO, M4OHN (oxavar))
- SARM (Ostarine, LGD4033)
- SERM (Nolvadex, Clomid)
- Peptides (HGH Fragment 176-191, CJC1295 with DAC, Ipamorelin, Adipotide, IGF-1 LR3)
- Instructions on how to correctly dilute peptides and what to use to do so
- Instructions on subcutaneous and intramuscular injections (there's a lot of misinformation and rubbish out there)


Cynostance and Epistane
They work in a similar matter: the are potent aromatase inhibitors, which means they permanently block your body's ability to convert testosterone into estrogen. Your body will take notice of this process and try to counteract it by increasing your testosterone production. This is basically how you'll be able to pack muscles using these substances. Now with your body emptied of its estrogen, there are quite a few problems alongside it, most of all with your joints. You want to make sure you use fish oil and other substances that support joint health. The upside is that the pct is really a breeze and no problem should arise. You want to have a propoer pct lined up just the same, as there will be a huge rise in estrogen once you're off the product. A less potent AI will do fine for a few weeks, until you recover.
Usually your cycle should last around 4 weeks with 4 weeks of pct and another month for full recovery. During your on time you will recover a lot faster and be able to exercise more. These comounds are not that potent, so don't expect to become a beast in no time - however they do pack some punch just the same. The downside is that prohormones based on AI seem to have a high miss ratio, meaning that there will be non-responders. Just try it out and see how it goes. It's an ideal compound to get started.

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators are a wonderful thing. Without going into much detail, and as usual based on scientific evidence, LGD4033 and Ostarine will only affect the androgen receptors of your skeletal (striated) muscles, and not your prostate and other nasty stuff you don't want. Nevertheless, there is no reason why these compounds won't have an influence on your HPGA axis (read more here about what the HPGA axis is: Only because they are selective in WHAT they affect, doesn't mean they won't influence the negative feedback loop and reduce your endogen testosterone production. Especially LGD4033 is a very potent compound which at only 1mg will already have inhibitori effects. Anecdotal reports seem to attribute to LGD to be safe as far as 6mg for 1 week. I've heard of people using more than that, but I'm not sure what the setting was and for how long. However, under no circumstances you want to start with a dosage of 6mg of LGD. There is a quick tolerance build-up when administering LGD, again from anecdotal reports, so it seems the best way to proceed with this compound is to up the dosage weekly by not more than 1mg. However I don't see a reason to go beyond 3-4 mg. The half-life of this compound is dose dependent between 24-36 hours. Which means that after 24 hours if you take 1mg, you'll already have 1.5mg in your blood stream. After another 24 hours you'll have .75 plus the fresh mg you've just taken, until you've asymptotically approach 2mg if you don't up the dosage (if I'm not mistaken, it's a simple geometric series if you take a 24 hours half-life, and for every geometric series the limit is determined by i/(1-r), where i is the starting point and r is the geometric ratio. In our case i = 1mg and the geometric ration for our 24 hours half-life is exactly .5, which equals 2). So by taking 1mg per day, you will have almost double the dosage in your bloodstream. You can go on and calculate the same for a dosage of 6mg, which is shocking. So be careful with this stuff. The results are there, but it will shut you down. That's why you'll need a SERM.

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators like Tamoxifen Citrate or Clomifen Citrate are the foundations of every anabolic-androgen steroid user. They will affect your body in two ways: firstly they will make sure that the surplus of estrogen floating around in your body won't actually bind to the according receptor and they will activate the positive feedback loop of your HPGA axis making sure that you will recover quicker to a point before your cycle. If you are using a compound that does aromatize, it will also make sense to introduce a suicide aromatase inhibitor in your cylce to make sure your estrogen levels don't detonate. So after you've finished your cycle, make sure that you have your SERM handy. Don't exagerate on the dosage and don't listen to all the forums telling you to front load like crazy. Take a recommended dosage of 20mg Tamox or 50mg Clomid. It will suffise. If anyhow you are into the newest generation of PCT, you might actually be interested in Triptorelin, a GnRH. Which I will cover in the peptides section. It's the last word in PCT and only one subcutaneous injection is required to get things going again.