Wanna be smarter?

Just a quick update on this page, without all the paper links - for now just based on my experience.

There are substances out there which will greatly help you in memorizing stuff and focusing. I've tried some of them and they more or less do a good job. As usual, you have the ones that will do an awesome job and others that are just a waste of money. Even though I do have a very good memory, I clearly felt the effects of the following substances:

Noopept, Sunifiram, Unifiram, Meclofenoxate, Adrafinil

Noopept: Gives you a clear focus and help memorizing stuff. You feel coming up and going back to baseline with this one. You're not high or anything, on the contrary, you feel like wanting to work and learning... awesome substance. Just make sure you use it with an acetycholine source (without going into details: it might drain your own reserves. Which is not a big deal, just use Alpha-GPC).

Sunifiram: Very potent. 7mg will clearly give you an extreme focus and you'll feel awake for the next 5 hours at least. Of all the substances the one I felt most. I use this one when I need clear, ordered thoughts. Help me greatly.

Unifiram: Seems very similar to Sunifiram - just a lot more expensive. Will have to try it sytematically in order to see whether there's a difference to Sunifiram.

Meclofenoxate: It's the brain energizer. Meclofenoxate will increase your memory and give you as well that clearness. It improves general cognitive functions and has neuroprotective properties. It's a great basis to combine it with any other of the substances mentioned here. I use it a few times per week, not regularly though.

Adrafinil: Great for staying up all night or all day... converted to Modafinil in the liver. Nuff said.

Update October 2013: I have received some phenylpiracetam and will try it out. A first sublingual dosis seemed to have a very good reaction on awakeness. I felt very sharp this morning while doing math exercises and had good, clear thoughts - stronger than Sunifiram as it seems. Additional infos will follow.