More power!

The best way to increase strength is by adding those damn plates to your barbell. And that's really and end of it, to be honest.

I have tried many of those supps, like PowerFull by USP Labs, all those supps that apparently act as a HGH secretagogue (usually containing Arginine and Ornithine), ZMA, and supps that should increase your testosterone level like D-Aspartic Acid. All they did was amuse me either with the taste they had or the stupid claims they made.

I will go a bit into details about D-Aspartic Acid (or D-Aspartate) and ZMA, as everyone seems to talk about it and is convinced they work. First of all, I didn't see any effects from these supplements.

There seems to be a study, that suggests that D-Aspartic Acid may increase testosterone[1], probalby via accumulation in the testes. There it does some magic, and then we should have a higher testosterone level. While I'm fine with this claim, the study suggest that after 12 days of intake, there is an increase in 42% above baseline. Now I could be wrong, but 42% is probalby less than what we see after a heavy leg day probably? Or some good sex? I'm not sure, but I think that these supplements didn't show any effect, because it's simply not that powerfull. There are however other benefits to D-Aspartate. It might work as a nootrpic,i.e. a smartdrug.

  1. Topo E, et alThe role and molecular mechanism of D-aspartic acid in the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans and ratsReprod Biol Endocrinol. (2009)